P-05-914 Equal Access to Health Care for the Disabled, Correspondence – Petitioner to Committee, 09.07.20


I don't know that I would amend what I said about Vaughan Gethings response as a result of reading Ruth Coombs response but her response indicates that GP's surgeries have a duty to take into consideration the specific issues that make accessing their services difficult for disabled people, into account.


The use of bariatric beds as I've said covers one aspect of my concerns, in that it allows for wide treatment beds to be provided. But hoists and the beds being adjustable in their height must be a feature in order for paralysed people to access essential physical examinations. 


There are many different disabilities, that cause many different difficulties and I wonder whether if there were a way for all disabled people to feedback to their surgeries about their needs, then this would be the most effective way for this guidance to be fully complied with.


This could be very time-consuming and expensive but I feel there must be an openness for surgeries to listen to those needs and act upon them where they arise and become a problem.


I feel that Ruth Coomb's response was very helpful indeed and gives me hope for the quest towards full equality in health care in the future as long as needs are spoken, heard and met.



Tracy Locke